2020-06-07 19:08:09

Acute pharyngitis: often caused by viruses, followed by bacteria. It is most common in winter and spring. The pharynx has dry itching, burning, gradually pain, aggravation when swallowing, saliva increase, lateral pharyngeal bands involvement has obvious ear pain. Weak patients or children have significant systemic symptoms, including fever, chills, headache, loss of appetite, limb soreness and so on.

Chronic pharyngitis: mainly due to acute pharyngitis treatment is not thorough and repeated attacks, become chronic, or because of suffering from a variety of nasal diseases, nasal orifices obstruction, long-term mouth breathing. There are pharynx discomfort, dryness, itching, distension, many secretions and burning pain, easy to retch, foreign body sensation, the above symptoms are a little more in talking, after eating irritating food, fatigue or weather changes aggravate.

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