Symptoms of cerebral stroke include
2020-05-08 18:41:53

  • Symptoms of cerebral stroke include:

(1) Headache: whether it is cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction, headache is very common and is an important symptom and signal of cerebral stroke.

(2) Vomiting: it is usually accompanied by headache.

(3) Dizziness: dizziness is also accompanied by vomiting or tinnitus, which is more common in the symptoms of cerebral stroke.

(4) Abnormal sensation in one side of the body and face.

(5) Drooling: the phenomenon of deviated mouth, drooling or food flowing out of the angle of mouth.

(6) Sudden visual impairment: inability to see left or right objects or visual defects, as well as transient black out or the feeling of suddenly flying over a mosquito.

(7) Sudden speech disorder and cough symptoms in swallowing.

(8) Disturbance of consciousness: present with unconsciousness, difficulty in breathing, snoring and, in severe cases, even deep coma.

The best treatment period for stroke:

Patients within one month of illness; patients within 3 months are also in the treatment period; treatment is relatively difficult for patients who have been ill for more than half a year; for patients who have been ill for more than one year, the treatment period needs to be lengthened.

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